
Monday, February 11, 2019

Professional Wrestling - Exposing American Culture :: essays research papers

grappling hook - Exposing Ameri evict CultureWrestling on television today is a window into the basis of the Americanculture. It shows our need for military force and sex at an accessible arena. Its notextremely graphic but its what serves a broad(a) variety of audiences. It reaches awide range of people, ein truthone from 10-12 year olds and elderly men and women. The largest demographic for them is the 18-24 year olds. like a shot in the American society the highest rated weekly television show is theWWF knifelike IS WAR followed closely by the WWF WARZONE. Both ofthese shows are wrestling shows. Wrestling is not a very complex sport, It basicallyis two combatants hard to beat up each other until one either is counted mountain withthere shoulders on the mat for 3 seconds, till they submit, are knocked unconscious,or are disqualified. The way to choke disqualified in most matches is to begin andweapon to the ring, put up out side interference by a team member, or be outsid e thering for more the a ten second count by the ref. To score these victories they use few moves that are very technical and precise but other moves our punches andkicks. The wrestlers change in mostly bright colored and tight clothes that have therename or catch phrase written on it. Wrestling goes straight to its demographic audience when it gets sponsorslike Castrol labour oil, RC cola, Chef Boyarde, and Tower Records. The colorcommentators plug these every chance they get before or after the matches. Thefans of this sport cheer every chance they get and bring large signs for everyone tosee. even though the fans dont physically get into a match, they psychologicallydistract some wrestlers with blaring chants that go straight to the wrestlers brain. There are 2 announcers that sit at ringside and tell the actions of the match witchincludes telling who did what, what happened on previous shows, and why 2wrestlers are engaged in this type of combat. Even though wrestling is call ed a fakesport it can be very tiring on peoples bodys, minds, and souls. They get beat upand slanders cry at for a living. These men and women can show the best and overcome side of the American culture in a single show. They can show that hard workpays off in the long cannonball along and that cheating pays off right away. It lets us praise thegood guys and boo the bad guys. It sometimes shows a piece of American

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