
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Investigative Report of Internet Addiction Essay -- Internet Addiction

Investigative Report of profits AddictionTABLE OF CONTENTLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ...............................................ivABSTRACT.............................................................vINTRODUCTION ........................................................1Purpose .............................................................1 festering Of The meshwork ..............................................1THE ADDICTION .......................................................2What causes it ......................................................2Symptoms ............................................................3How To Overcome The Addiction........................................4The elements of any colony........................................4CONCLUSION ..........................................................8One last(a) Interesting Question .......................................9REFERENCES ..........................................................10LIST OF ILLUSTRATION SFigures1. The number of networks connected to the Internet vs. Time.2. The per centum of the Internet do main(prenominal)s3. Will the comparison people = Internet Users be original in 2001?ABSTRACTThe problem of Internet dependency is not rattling noticeable now and thats why notmany people are taking it seriously, but what these people are failing to see isthe radio link between the very rapid growth of the Internet and the addictionproblem. It is rightfully simple logic the bigger the Internet get the much(prenominal) users get out be which will lead to a bigger number of addicts that lot have their livesas healthful as others corrupted by this behavior. The main objective of this musical themeis to make sure that all reader endure and understand what Internet addiction isand how it can be solved or avoided. I can not offer a passkey psychiatricsolution but I believe if a person sleep withs more about the addiction, the better bump they have to help themselves as well as others thats why I haveincluded a brusk summary of the elements of addiction.I hope that by the time you read my paper you will have a better understandingabout this secrete to keep yourself as well as others of taking Internet addictionlightly.INTRODUCTIONPurposeThe purpose of this paper is to make you, the reader, alert and more aware ofthe newest type of addiction, Interne... ...not be life threatening like or so drug addiction, but it can very harmfulto the person professional and personal life. The key to staying away from thisaddiction is to understand its elements and have a strong will power to controlones self from all the temptations that the Internet might provide.One Last Interesting QuestionWe all know that more and more people are gaining access to the Internet whateverway or another, but not every body had the chance of looking at figure 3 Figure 3. Will the equation people = Internet Users be true in 2001? (Source transfer//nic.merit.edu/statistics/nsfne t)REFERENCESElias, M. (7/7/1996) Net overuse called true addiction, USA Today, pp 1-A.McAllester, M. (5/5/1996), reading says some may be addicted to the Net BulldogEdition.,Los Angeles Times, , pp A-18. profit Wizards, onlineAvailable URL http//www.nw.com/zone/Rodgers, J. (1994), Treatments that works, Vol. 27, Psychology Today, pp 34.Young, Kimberly, Centre of on-line addiction (COLA), onlineAvailable URL http//www.pitt.edu/ksy/Merit Network Inc., onlineAvailable URL ftp//nic.merit.edu/statistics/nsfnet/

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